FAQ with Prospector Partners
In this short question and answer session, our portfolio managers take on the questions that prospective clients ask us most often during the due diligence …
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Q3 2023
In the third quarter, the market seemed to grapple with a “higher for longer” interest rate environment. The benchmark 10-year Treasury rose significantly during the …
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Contrarian Strategies for a Hype-Driven Market
During a conversation with portfolio managers Kevin O’Brien, CFA, Steve Labbe, CFA, and Jay Kish, CFA, CPA, these three experts shared their observations on several …
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Q2 2023
Much of the second quarter was dominated by all things artificial intelligence (AI), after a newversion of OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT, was released in March. The …
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Q1 2023
The first quarter of 2023 was akin to a play with three distinct acts. However, unlike a traditional play in which the first act introduces a …
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Q4 2022
“This time is different.” As 2022 began, that sentiment seemed pervasive. With the S&P 500 tradingclose to all-time highs, continuing to be led by mega-cap …
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